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Your Tools for Health is here!
March 04, 2010

We hope this issue of Tools for Health finds you well, happy and still able to exercise your options regarding natural health!

Unfortunately the right to use natural or alternative resources could disappear unless we let those who work for us in government positions know how important this issue is to us.

Do you live in the U.S.? If so, this email specifically applies to you and your ability to use natural health care of your choosing.

Do you live in a country other that the U.S.? If so, I'd love to hear about how the laws where you live affect your choices in health care, particularly as it applies to the use of alternative types of care.

The Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation sent the following. I encourage you to contact your Senator today. Use the links provided to make it quick and easy.

Thank you for giving this your serious consideration.

S. 3002, the McCain-Dorgan Senate Bill, Threatens Your Access to Nutritional Supplements

Senators McCain and Dorgan have outraged millions of Americans in one fell swoop with S. 3002! They have flat-out attacked dietary supplements in their newly introduced "Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010." Without understanding or respect for the detailed and complex laws and regulations of the people's treasured Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), McCain has misled the American people. On February 3, 2010, he stood on the Senate floor and said: "The dietary supplement industry is one that is mostly self-regulated"! How could a Senator make such a public statement that is so completely false? Could he be unaware of the hundreds of pages of the DSHEA laws and regulations that manufacturers must follow in order to keep their products on the market and protect Americans' access to safe dietary supplements?

His comments about creating a more restrictive bill due to concerns from athletes that have taken adulterated products shows his inability to point the finger where it belongs. We already have laws against adulterated products! DSHEA prohibits putting adulterated or contaminated foods and dietary supplements on the market. Those laws work. DSHEA includes detailed and complex Good Manufacturing Practices and requirements for all dietary supplements. Those regulations work as DSHEA regulates foods and dietary supplements/nutrients and concerns itself with safety on all levels.

McCain appears to want to over-regulate food and dietary supplements as if they were dangerous drugs instead of enforcing existing, effective food and dietary supplement laws. He sidesteps the safety history of dietary supplements in favor of more and more unnecessary and hostile regulation that will squelch a consumer-driven industry. He suggests additional pre-market registration requirements for all manufacturers and products. He suggests mandating reporting of "non-serious" adverse events even when there is no proof or verification of causation. This would be in addition to the current serious adverse event reporting requirements passed into existing law within the past three years.

Americans hold that dietary supplements are not drugs, they are nutrients, generally regarded as safe, and the government already has the ability to take them off the market if they pose a risk of harm. We encourage the marketing of nutrients. It is our right as Americans to eat nutrients of all kinds without first proving, like drugs, that they are effective to eat. We care about safety. But it is our right to decide what we want to eat.

Help defeat S. 3002! Tell McCain and Dorgan to honor our existing law prohibiting adulterated products and requiring good manufacturing practices. Tell them to aggressively protect dietary supplements as foods and not drugs. Say NO to S. 3002. Stop this bill before it goes anywhere.

Contact your Senator online.

Read the original draft bill.

Thank you for your time and support.


Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation

Keep in mind, the more you know, the more freedom you have to practice natural health care as you choose. The School of Natural Health is, in my opinion, one of the best, most easily accessable, and affordable resources available.

Thanks again for making your voice heard on behalf of yourself, your family and your community.


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Teri Hayes is a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Reflexologist, and Family Herbalist

You can e-mail her by replying to this newsletter or visit her at Natural Health Coach for Women

Many of the herbs and supplements she recommends to clients can be found using this link.

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I’d love to hear from you! Reply to this newsletter and tell me what you think!

The suggestions in this e-newsletter are meant to encourage personal responsibility for health and are not given as medical advice. For your individual health concerns such as chronic or acute warning symptoms, in emergency situations, or when in doubt, seek the advice of your primary personal health car practitioner.

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